Post-Service and Discussion Groups in aDVENT

The Messiah
led by Pastor John Paarlberg
How do we interpret these titles today?
Join us in the Main floor classroom.
led by Pastor John Paarlberg
- The Messiah: Written by Old Testament scholar Walter Brueggemann, this four-session adult study takes a critical look at the four royal titles used in Isaiah 9:2-7: Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace.
How do we interpret these titles today?
Join us in the Main floor classroom.

Our Journey Through Advent
led by Pastor Susan Cox.
Two Tuesdays, December 8 and 15 in the Parlor, 6-8 pm.
Bring a dish to share.
Enjoy fellowship and a meal together, some time for devotion and some time to explore together our Advent journeys. A resource will be recommended when you sign up.
Sign up will be in the lobby or contact Denise or Rev. Sue Cox.
Hope you will join us.