First Church is a covenant church with the FOCUS Churches of Albany. Over 40,000 people each month rely on food pantries in the Capital Region. Families may visit the FOCUS Interfaith Food Pantry or the First Church of Albany Food Pantry twice each month. In addition to a balanced and nutritious food package, both pantries provide personal care items, fresh fruit, vegetables, and milk vouchers. We also help households by supplying information about additional community resources such as job training, housing, healthcare, food stamps, WIC and nutrition education. Guests are also provided with pastoral, advocacy and referral services.
Who is eligible to receive food? Our primary service area for the pantry includes the neighborhoods of Albany closest to the First Church for guests meeting the (confidential) eligibility requirements. What type of paperwork do I need to bring?
The First Church Food Pantry is a continuation of the centuries-old custom of taking care of widows, orphans and the homeless through the Deacons Fund since the reformation in the 1500’s. It serves people in the neighborhood and is managed by a Community Outreach Worker with the help of volunteers.
Monthly supplies of food and other grocery store essentials, such as diapers and toothpaste, are distributed. Other programs, such as “Back-to-School-Night”, “Mitten Tree”, “Christmas Shoppe” and “Thanksgiving Basket” minister to children and families around the holidays and other special times of the year.
Monthly supplies of food and other grocery store essentials, such as diapers and toothpaste, are distributed. Other programs, such as “Back-to-School-Night”, “Mitten Tree”, “Christmas Shoppe” and “Thanksgiving Basket” minister to children and families around the holidays and other special times of the year.
Nondiscrimation Statement
In accordance with federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, this institution is prohibited from discriminating on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex (including gender identity and sexual orientation), disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity.
Helping Our Neighbors Celebrate Thanksgiving
Each thanksgiving season we providing the food for a Thanksgiving meal for many of the families served by our food pantry. The Sunday, before Thanksgiving many of us will stay for a few minutes after worship to help pack the food baskets that will be distributed to families in our area. Also on that Sunday you are invited to come to worship with gifts of food items. This year instead of providing a thanksgiving turkey to each family, we are providing gift cards enabling them to purchase their own.